Weeds to Wealth


August 2021 - October 2022 • Conservation

August 2021 - October 2022 • Conservation

At ATREE, I worked on a strategic initiative to transform the invasive Lantana Camara plant from an environmental threat into an economic resource. Working with the Soliga community in South India's tiger reserves, I developed prototypes and processing techniques that turn this destructive weed into valuable products. The project demonstrated how design interventions can create sustainable livelihoods while addressing conservation challenges, though we identified important scalability considerations for the approach.

My contributions



You can email me here. I’m pretty active on Twitter, occasionally pop into LinkedIn, and surfing the internet through Are.na.

©2019-2025 SURYA NARREDDI.

You can email me here. I’m pretty active on Twitter, occasionally pop into LinkedIn, and surfing the internet through Are.na.

©2019-2025 SURYA NARREDDI.