Creative Control: An Experiment in AI-Led Creative Coding // ICM W8

Oct 29, 2024

The Assignment

This week’s focus is on using generative AI. By reapproaching an open-ended assignment with the power of AI, there’s a unique opportunity to explore unfinished ideas, address lingering issues, and expand on initial concepts. AI’s capabilities provide new ways to enhance creativity, whether through generating fresh visuals, refining code, improving user interaction, or even discovering unexpected outcomes.


In a unique reversal of traditional AI-human collaboration, I wanted to conduct an interesting experiment where I gave an AI complete creative control over a project's conceptualization and implementation. Instead of being prompted with specific instructions or requirements, I tasked it with developing it's own creative vision while the human collaborator (me) took on the role of providing feedback and guidance. This approach challenges the conventional wisdom about AI-human creative partnerships and offers insights into how AI systems can drive creative decisions. The blog below details the reasoning behind the AI's decisions, provided by Anthropic's Claude 3.5 Sonnet in response to my prompts requesting explanations for its choices.

The Concept

When given creative freedom, The AI gravitated towards creating a system that explores emergent complexity from simple rules - an interactive audiovisual experience where geometric shapes evolve and interact based on sound input. This concept was inspired by several fundamental principles in nature and creative computing:

Initial Prompts
  1. Natural Systems: The way complex patterns emerge from simple interactions in nature, similar to how flocks of birds or schools of fish create mesmerizing collective behaviors.

  2. Sound and Visual Synthesis: The rich history of translating audio into visual experiences, from early music visualizers to modern generative art.

  3. Evolutionary Systems: The fascinating way simple entities can evolve and adapt based on their environment and interactions.

the AI's specific vision was to create a system where:

  • Geometric shapes act as individual "organisms" that respond to sound

  • Each shape has its own memory and can learn from its experiences

  • Collective behaviors emerge from individual interactions

  • The visual representation evolves based on audio input and shape interactions

Why This Direction?

When asked to take creative control, the AI system chose this direction based on several key factors in its decision-making process:

  1. Complexity from Simplicity: The AI was drawn to systems that demonstrate how complex, beautiful patterns can emerge from simple rules. This interest stems from the AI's understanding of fundamental patterns in nature and computation.

  2. Multi-sensory Integration: The AI specifically chose to combine audio and visual elements because it recognized the potential for creating more engaging and dynamic experiences through multiple sensory inputs.

  3. Emergence: The AI was particularly interested in creating a system where it couldn't fully predict the outcomes. This unpredictability in the final behavior of the system mirrors the AI's own understanding of emergent phenomena.

  4. Interactivity: The decision to include user interaction through sound was based on the AI's analysis that interactive systems create more meaningful connections between the artwork and its audience.

Breaking Down the Vision

I also prompted the AI to approach the implementation by breaking the concept into five key stages, to ensure that it takes a systematic approach to complex problem-solving, also so as not to overload the model with too much info and skew the output:

  1. Foundation: The AI first established basic shape generation and movement, recognizing the need for a solid technical foundation before adding complexity.

  2. Audio Integration: Sound analysis and reactive behavior were added next, as the AI identified this as the core interactive element.

  3. Evolution: The AI then implemented shape interaction and life cycles, drawing parallels with biological systems.

  4. Pattern Emergence: Complex behavioral patterns and collective memory were introduced, showcasing the AI's understanding of emergent systems.

  5. Polish: Finally, the AI focused on visual refinement and user controls, demonstrating an awareness to the importance of user experience.

This staged approach was prompted by me to enable the AI's systematic thinking process, rather than overloading it with content and info
  • Each stage was designed to build upon the previous one

  • Complexity was introduced gradually

  • Technical feasibility was considered at each step

  • The system remained flexible enough to incorporate human feedback

The decision to structure the development this way allowed the AI to break down complex creative projects into manageable, iterative steps while maintaining a clear vision for the final product.

Iterative Development: Breaking Down the AI's Creative Process

Stage 1: Foundation

The AI started with establishing the basic building blocks of the visual system. Here's how it approached the initial stage:

Pseudo Code - Foundation
Define Shape Class:
    - Position (x, y)
    - Size
    - Rotation
    - Type (pentagon, star, crystal)
    - Base movement properties

  Basic Functions:
    - Draw shape based on type
    - Update position and rotation
    - Handle basic movement patterns

Main Loop:
  - Create canvas
  - Initialize small set of shapes
  - Update and draw shapes
  - Maintain minimum population

Key Decisions:

The AI chose to:

  • Start with three distinct shape types for visual variety

  • Implement basic physics-based movement

  • Keep the initial system simple but extensible

Stage 2: Audio Integration

Building on the foundation, the AI added audio reactivity:

Pseudo Code - Audio Integration

Audio System:
  - Initialize microphone input
  - Set up FFT analysis
  - Create frequency bands

Enhance Shape Class:
  Add Properties:
    - Frequency band assignment
    - Energy response parameters
  Add Functions:
    - Process audio input
    - Map frequencies to visual properties
    - Modify shape behavior based on sound

Main Loop:
  - Analyze audio input
  - Update shapes with audio data
  - Adjust visual properties based on sound energy

Key Decisions:

The AI decided to:

  • Assign different frequency bands to different shapes

  • Create direct mappings between sound and visual properties

  • Implement smooth transitions for audio reactions

Stage 3: Evolution

The AI then added evolutionary behaviours:

Pseudo Code - Evolution

Enhance Shape Class:
  Add Properties:
    - Life span
    - Age
    - Reproduction capability
    - Adaptation parameters

  Add Functions:
    - Life cycle management
    - Shape interaction rules
    - Reproduction mechanics
    - Death conditions

Interaction System:
  - Define proximity rules
  - Create reproduction conditions
  - Implement genetic-like property inheritance
  - Manage population controls

Key Decisions:

The AI implemented:

  • Natural selection-inspired mechanics

  • Property inheritance between shapes

  • Population control mechanisms

Stage 4: Pattern Emergence

The AI then focused on complex behavioural patterns:

Pseudo Code - Pattern Emergence

Collective Memory System:
    - Pattern history
    - Active zones
    - Behavioral states
    - Global statistics

Shape Enhancement:
  Add States:
    - Explore
    - Cluster
    - Scatter
    - Orbit

  Add Functions:
    - State transitions
    - Memory storage
    - Pattern recognition
    - Adaptive behavior
    - Environmental response

Movement Patterns:
  - Implement flocking behavior
  - Create clustering mechanics
  - Add pattern-based movement

Key Decisions:

The AI chose to:

  • Implement collective memory

  • Create distinct behavioral states

  • Add pattern-based adaptations

Stage 5: Polish

Finally, the AI added refinements and user controls:

Visual Effects:
  - Particle system
  - Motion blur
  - Color schemes
  - Shape transitions

User Interface:
  - Sensitivity controls
  - Color mode selection
  - Debug visualization
  - Performance stats

  - Performance improvements
  - Memory management
  - Smooth transitions
  - Error handling

Key Decisions:

The AI focused on:

  • Enhanced visual effects

  • User control implementation

  • Performance optimization

  • Debug capabilities

Development Flow

The AI's iterative approach demonstrated:

  1. Each stage built naturally upon the previous

  2. Complexity was added systematically

  3. Core functionality was prioritized

  4. User experience was considered throughout

  5. The system remained flexible for modifications

Technical Implementation & Code Analysis

System Architecture Overview

Let me break down the final implementation, explaining how the different components work together to create the complete audio-reactive visualization system.

[Audio Input]  [FFT Analysis]  [Energy Distribution]
[Shape System]  [Collective Memory]
[Particle Effects]  [Visual Output]
[User Controls]  [State Management]

Key Technical Features

1. Shape Management System

javascriptCopyclass Shape {
    // Core Properties
    constructor(x, y, type) {
        this.type = type || random(Object.values(SHAPE_TYPES));
        this.state = STATES.EXPLORE;
        this.memory = [];
        this.adaptationRate = random(0.1, 0.3);

    // Behavior States
    STATES = {
        EXPLORE: 'explore',  // Free movement
        CLUSTER: 'cluster',  // Group formation
        SCATTER: 'scatter',  // Dispersion
        ORBIT: 'orbit'      // Circular motion

AI's Design Decision: The AI chose a class-based structure to encapsulate individual shape behaviors, making the system modular and easier to extend.

2. Memory and Adaptation System

javascriptCopy// Collective Memory Structure
let collective_memory = {
    dominant_frequency: 0,
    active_zones: [],
    pattern_history: [],
    color_palette: []

// Individual Memory Management
remember(experience) {
    if (this.memory.length > 10) this.memory.shift();

AI's Design Decision: Implementation of both individual and collective memory creates emergent behaviors and allows for system-wide pattern recognition.

3. Audio Processing

javascriptCopy// Audio Analysis System
function processAudio() {
    spectrum = fft.analyze();
    return => energy * controls.sensitivity);

AI's Design Decision: Used FFT analysis for detailed frequency information rather than simple amplitude detection, enabling more complex audio-visual relationships.

4. Visual Effects Pipeline

javascriptCopy// Rendering Pipeline
function draw() {
    // Motion Blur
    blur_buffer.background(20, 20, 30, 10);
    image(blur_buffer, 0, 0);
    // Particle System
    // Shape Updates
    shapes.forEach(shape => {

AI's Design Decision: Implemented multiple visual layers for depth and complexity, using both immediate and delayed visual feedback.

Performance Considerations

The AI implemented several optimizations:

  1. Particle pooling to limit memory usage

  2. Efficient shape updates using vector mathematics

  3. Selective rendering based on visibility

  4. Frame rate management for consistent performance

Technical Challenges & Solutions

  1. Audio Latency

javascriptCopy// Buffer management for smooth audio response
fft = new p5.FFT(0.8, 64);  // Optimized buffer size
  1. Memory Management

javascriptCopy// Efficient memory cleanup
class ParticleSystem {
    addParticle(x, y, color) {
        if (this.particles.length < 100) {  // Particle limit
  1. State Management

javascriptCopy// Efficient state transitions
updateState(energy) {
    let averageEnergy = collective_memory.pattern_history
        .reduce((sum, exp) => sum +, 0) / 5;
    // State determination based on current conditions
    this.state = determineNewState(averageEnergy, energy);

Code Organization

The AI organized the code into distinct functional areas:

  1. Core Systems (Shape, Memory, Audio)

  2. Visual Effects (Particles, Blur, Colors)

  3. User Interface (Controls, Debug Info)

  4. Utility Functions (Math, Helpers)

Conclusions: Insights from an AI-Led Creative Coding Project

Role Reversal Insights

AI as Creative Lead

  • The experiment demonstrated how an AI system can take ownership of creative decisions

  • Showed systematic thinking in breaking down complex creative problems

  • Revealed the AI's tendency to draw from natural systems and emergent behaviors

  • Illustrated how AI can balance technical constraints with creative goals

Human as Feedback Provider

  • Traditional roles were inverted, with the human (me) providing guidance rather than direct instructions

  • This created a unique collaborative dynamic where the AI could explore its creative instincts

  • Feedback helped refine the AI's decisions without overriding its creative direction

Technical Learnings

System Design

  • Breaking down complex systems into iterative stages proved effective

  • Starting with core functionality and gradually adding complexity worked well

  • The modular approach allowed for easy modifications and improvements

  • Emergent behaviors created unexpected and interesting results

Creative Coding Insights

Future Implications

For AI-Human Collaboration

  1. New Collaborative Models

    • AI can take more active creative roles

    • Humans can focus on refinement and direction

    • Balance between AI creativity and human guidance

  2. Creative Process

    • AI can help break down complex projects

    • Systematic approach to creative problems

    • Iterative development with clear stages

Educational Value

  • Demonstrates how to approach complex creative coding projects

  • Shows the value of iterative development

Future Possibilities

The AI suggests several potential extensions of this project:

  1. Adding machine learning for pattern recognition

  2. Expanding the types of input (gesture, data, etc.)

  3. Creating more complex evolutionary systems

  4. Developing collaborative multi-user experiences

Final Thoughts

This experiment challenges traditional assumptions about AI-human creative collaboration. It suggests that AIs can:

  • Take meaningful creative initiative

  • Develop coherent creative visions

  • Break down complex problems systematically

  • Create emergent, engaging experiences

The success of this approach is still questionable but it opens up new possibilities for creative coding and AI-human collaboration, suggesting a future where AI systems can be true creative partners rather than just tools.

  1. Nik's Blog
  2. Claude by Anthropic
  3. Ellen for being such a great teacher
  5. Shiffman, D. (2012). The Nature of Code: Simulating Natural Systems with Processing. Self-published. Retrieved from
  6. Shiffman, D. (n.d.). The Coding Train. (For p5.js tutorials and inspiration)
  7. Cursor AI

    Here is what the Ai gave me when I asked it to give me its references:
    Core Conceptual Influences
    1. Natural Systems & Emergence

    1. Generative Art & Creative Coding

    1. p5.js Resources

    Technical Implementation Resources
    1. Audio Visualization

    1. Particle Systems

    Contemporary Examples and Inspirations
    1. Interactive Art Examples

    1. Creative Coding Communities

    1. Additional Learning Resources

    Note from the AI: "As an AI system, I should mention that these links are based on my training data which has a cutoff date. While I believe these resources are valuable, some links might need to be updated, and new resources might be available. I recommend:

    1. Verifying all links before use

    2. Checking for updated versions of resources

    3. Looking for newer alternatives that might have emerged

    4. Cross-referencing information across multiple sources"

You can email me here. I’m pretty active on Twitter, occasionally pop into LinkedIn, and surfing the internet through

©2019-2025 SURYA NARREDDI.

You can email me here. I’m pretty active on Twitter, occasionally pop into LinkedIn, and surfing the internet through

©2019-2025 SURYA NARREDDI.